

RJ-6 is an oil-based emulsifier with co-emulsification properties in emulsion. It has excellent o/w emulsification properties.

Product Details

  Form     Liquid
  Usage       Emulsifiers
  Pack Type   Barrels
  Color   Brown Viscous Liquid
  Brand   Molesan
  Pack Size   200 KG


Product Specification

  Appearance   RJ-6 is an oily brown viscous liquid.  
  Saponification Value, mgKOH/gm   30 - 45  
  Viscosity at 70ºC   800 + 200 cps  
  Density at 30ºC   Approx. 0.95 + 0.05  
  Flash Point   Above 200ºC  
  Solubility   RJ-6 forms stable solutions upon warming    with Oils  



RJ-6 is a fantastic emulsion stabilizer.  It is used with other surfactants such as Sorbitan Mono Oleate. It can be used as an oil emulsifier to improve hydrophilic actives' compatibility with oil bases.


RJ-6 is used for manufacturing an oil base emulsion explosives as one of the very powerful fuel ingredient. It give more stable emulsion with high value of detonation value (blasting power) to emulsion explosives.
